1.1 The employee performance evaluation is a tool of management and not an end in itself. Ratings can be a positive means in assisting staff personnel in improving job performance. It affords management an opportunity to make known to staff personnel the objectives and goals of the department and of the University.
1.2 The employee performance evaluation should be conducted on an annual basis or more frequently as appropriate. The employee performance evaluation should not reflect personal prejudice, bias, or favoritism on the part of those conducting the ratings or reviews. The results of such an evaluation procedure should be used to assist management in:
1.2.1 Determining staff personnel deserving of merit pay increases.
1.2.2 Providing constructive feedback to staff. This feedback should recognize exceptional performance, good performance, or performance deficiencies.
1.2.3 Determining training opportunities and needs of the staff, where improvement is needed, and establishing remedial plans when needed.
2. Application of Policy:
2.1 These rules and procedures are applicable to all staff personnel.
2.2 The Office of Human Resources is authorized to develop, prepare, and submit to all departments guidelines and forms for the performance evaluation system.
3. Required Procedures:
3.1 The University shall establish a system of employee performance evaluation that reflects an impartial rating of an employee’s performance. Evaluations should be based on objective, measureable, and consistently applied criteria.
3.2 Each staff employee shall be rated by his/her immediate supervisor and the results must be reviewed and approved by a next level supervisor. The supervisor doing the rating must have firsthand knowledge of the performance of the staff employee during a major portion of the rating period.
3.3 All new staff personnel other than temporary appointees and/or student employees shall be given performance ratings upon completion of six (6) months of service following a new appointment, and annually thereafter. At other times, special evaluations may be conducted for the purpose of improving or recognizing performance.
3.4 As an integral part of the six month/annual Performance Evaluation, the immediate supervisor is to discuss the rating with the employee. If the employee receives the rating of ―Needs Improvement,‖ the supervisor and the employee shall establish an action plan designed to improve the performance. Such employees may be reevaluated within sixty (60) calendar days, and a new rating should be given at this time. The evaluation and the recommended sixty (60) calendar days are not disciplinary probation. For disciplinary issues see Section 5 of this policy.
3.5 Each staff employee shall be rated on their compliance with policies, procedures and work rules of their department and of Lamar University.
3.6 Supervisors will be evaluated on their compliance with the Performance Evaluation policy.
3.7 The Office of Human Resources will review performance evaluations for EEOC compliance.
4. Evaluation and Rating Techniques:
4.1 The Office of Human Resources will arrange to hold periodic orientation sessions for all supervisors to train them in the techniques of a uniform and effective employee performance evaluation program. These training sessions will include presentations and discussion of such subjects as listed below:
4.1.1 Detailed explanation of the University’s employee performance evaluation and rating standards.
4.1.2 Suggestions on conducting the performance evaluation interview.
4.1.3 The requirements for maintaining an effective and uniform evaluation program within and among all units of the University and the desirability of the same.
4.1.4. To caution supervisory personnel against the pitfalls of committing common rating errors such as: Central Tendency -- rating all staff personnel as average. Halo Effect -- allowing one aspect of a staff employee’s performance to influence the entire evaluation. Over Evaluation or Under Evaluation -- the tendency of a rater to overvalue or undervalue a given factor. Miscellaneous Biases -- race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, nationality, religion, personality conflicts, etc.
5. Deficiency Review:
In the event that a situation arises where a staff employee is rated ―Needs Improvement‖ and a serious problem exists concerning the employee’s performance and/or behavior and the employee does not show satisfactory progress upon being informed of his/her deficiencies in these areas, the performance evaluation shall evidence such deficiencies as well as the supervisor’s attempts to help the employee improve the behaviors or the skills.
If disciplinary action becomes necessary, the supervisor must include with the issuance of the performance evaluation, a written reminder, memo of probation, or other disciplinary action. It should not be assumed that the performance evaluation is the disciplinary action memo or letter.
Nothing herein shall preclude immediate termination of employment when such is warranted.